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EP74 How To Work Less and Earn More

Eleanor Beaton

Today, fierce ones, I’m talking about money. I’m talking about freedom. I’m talking about money and freedom and how money can create more freedom for you beyond merely unknotting time constraints. Money has a way of freeing emotional burdens. What emotional burdens? Money helps you spend more quality time with the people you love. Money … Continued

EP73 How I Plan My Week

Eleanor Beaton

Do you plan out your work week? Do you take the time to sit down and plan out your activities for each day of the week, or do you fly by the seat of your pants, keeping a mental check list or buying enough Post-It Notes that you should really consider taking up stock in … Continued

EP72 Breaking Through Gender Bias With Andie Kramer and Al Harris

Eleanor Beaton

One of the biggest career-limiting factors affecting women in business and in the workplace is gender bias – whether done consciously or unconsciously. And although times have changed over the last several decades, the types of gender bias situations that women often face is now much more insidious and harder to spot. Keep Reading >> … Continued

EP 71 Want Breakthrough Results? Raise THIS

Eleanor Beaton

Have you ever wondered what the powerful top 4 percent of female leaders in business do to consistently achieve great results, build on their business or advance their career, and create the impact and influence they deserve throughout their industry? Keep Reading >> Have you ever thought about the significant role that your energy level … Continued

EP 70 How to Say YES To Career-Making Opportunities with Christine Nigro

Eleanor Beaton

When opportunity comes knocking on your door… what do you do? Do you weigh the pros and cons of accepting that new position or working on that new project? Or do you immediately say ‘Sure, I’ll try that!’ My guest today has worked her way up through the leadership ranks throughout her career by never … Continued

EP69 5 Signs You’re A Mansplainer

Eleanor Beaton

Mansplainers. Ladies, you know what they are – even if you’ve never heard the term. Mansplaining is a blend of the words “man” and “explaining.” Its when you are explaining something to someone – most often a man to a woman – in such a way that is condescending or patronizing. Keep Reading >> Today’s … Continued

EP68 Oprah Winfrey Taught Me THIS

Eleanor Beaton

Not long ago, as I was watching T.V., I saw a cartoon of a tiny little caterpillar that was transforming into a beautiful butterfly. As the butterfly emerged from its cocoon and looked around at his caterpillar friends, he noticed the look on their faces – the look of “oh.. you’ve changed.” Keep Reading >> … Continued

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